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Dr. Kent Davis is ranked #1 out of 52 Concord Dentists

Family Dentistry
Concord, CA

Little boy learning to brush his teeth in our Concord, CA dentist office.At Smile Family Dentistry, we pride ourselves on treating every member of the family. Family dentistry is focused on preventing potential complications, rather than treating them. If you and your family are in need of professional dental services, we can help!

Dental Exam

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends a routine check-up up roughly twice a year. A routine appointment with Dr. Kent Davis will typically include a professional cleaning and a detailed examination of your teeth, gums, and other oral tissues. We may also recommend an oral cancer screening for our older patients.
Learn more about routine check-ups.

Dentistry for Kids

Professional dental care is a crucial part of your child's oral health. Be sure to schedule your child's first appointment by the time their first teeth erupt, or before their first birthday. Scheduling regular appointments allows us to monitor the development of their oral health. Developmental problems are easier to treat in the beginning stages.

As your child grows older, we can establish a strong foundation for their oral health, one that will ensure a lifetime of healthy, beautiful teeth.
Read more about the importance of dental care for your children.

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride is a naturally-occurring mineral found in many of our foods and beverages. It is also a useful tool in fighting tooth decay. Every day, our teeth lose and gain minerals through the processes of demineralization and remineralization. If the process of demineralization exceeds that of remineralization tooth decay will occur.

Professional fluoride treatment allows us to supplement the process of remineralization and prevent potential decay. It can even reverse minor instances of decay. Fluoride treatment is particularly beneficial for patients at a greater risk of tooth decay, such as children, teens, and seniors.
Discover how fluoride treatment can help prevent decay for you and your family.

Dental Sealants

A dental sealant is a thin, plastic coating that prevents cavities and tooth decay. Sealants are usually applied to the occlusal (bite) surface of the molars and premolars. These teeth possess deep grooves and fissures that are much harder to clean, especially for children and teenagers. Sometimes the grooves are so thin that the bristles of a toothbrush are rendered essentially ineffective. A sealant will provide a more even brushing surface and seal off the enamel from harmful bacteria. Preventing tooth decay will ensure your child’s smile remains beautiful for years to come!
Learn more about dental sealants.

Oral Cancer Screenings

The main goal of oral cancer screening is to detect any signs of mouth cancer. These include precancerous lesions that may cause mouth cancer. Early detection of mouth or throat cancer provides an opportunity for dentists to remove the lesions and begin the cancer treatment. It may be a lifesaving procedure.
Learn more about oral cancer screenings.

Dental Cleanings

Professional dental cleaning is part of oral hygiene and involves the removal of dental plaque from teeth and mouth. Dental cleaning prevents cavities, gingivitis, and periodontal disease.
Learn more about dental cleanings.

Periodontal Care and Maintenance

Your periodontal (gum) tissues are just as important as your teeth. Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in the United States. Periodontal disease is the result of an infection in the gum tissues, connective ligaments, and eventually the alveolar bone.

The disease is characterized by gums that are swollen, red, and tend to bleed during brushing and flossing. Luckily, periodontal disease is easy to prevent and treat if it is caught early enough. If we notice signs of advanced periodontal disease, we may recommend a scaling and root planing procedure. The goal is to return your gums to a pink, healthy state.
Learn more about caring for your gums.

Night Guards

A mouthguard will protect your teeth and prevent dental emergencies. If you suffer from bruxism (teeth grinding), we may also recommend a night guard. Many patients with bruxism tend to grind their teeth during sleep. A night guard acts as a barrier that prevents enamel wear.
Read more about the importance of mouthguards.

Sports Guards

Sports mouthguards are specially designed devices worn on the teeth to protect them from impacts and injuries. They are important protective devices for anyone taking part in any sports that involve falling, collision, body contact, or having flying objects.
Discover how sportsguards can protect your teeth.

Sleep Apnea

If you have obstructive sleep apnea, you may benefit from an oral appliance. An oral appliance will keep your jaw in the proper position during sleep. This opens your airway and improves your breathing during sleep. With an oral appliance, you may find yourself feeling more well-rested, alert and happy, thanks to a full night's sleep.
Learn more about how an oral appliance could improve your sleep.

Schedule Your Appointment

To learn more about our family dentistry services call 925-825-1130, and schedule an appointment now!
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Family Dentistry - Concord, CA • Smile Family Dentistry
At Smile Family Dentistry, we enjoy working with people of all ages. From older adults to young children - you'll be comfortable visiting our office!
Smile Family Dentistry - Dr. Kent Davis, 5100 Clayton Road Suite A19, Concord, CA 94521 / 925-825-1130 / / 10/5/2024 / Page Keywords: dentist Concord CA /